1) Change the asterisks with digits:
**** - 1 = ***
2) On one side of scales there are 5 identical apples and 3 identical pears, on the other side 4 same apples and 4 same pears. The sides of the scale are in balance. Which fruit is lighter: apple or pear?
3) Can you divied three identical apples among 4 children making the least number of cuttings?
4) Two men, starting at the same point, walk in opposite directions for 4 meters, turn left and walk another 3 meters. What is the distance between them?
5) Find what number must follow in:
On the etymology of the word "Korea".
12 August 2008
1. According to the research done by the order of the British newspaper Financial Times China will be the number one producer in the world beating the current USA. According to the prognoses in 2009 China will produce 17% and US 16% of the world output, that way US will lose its leadership over the 100 years.
2. In Tashkent the street and the metro station "Halqlar doustligi" are renamed to "Bunyodkor".
3. On the 8th of August all the Civilian registry offices in Tashkent and other cities it was registered 20-30 pairs, whereas usually the number ranged from 5 to 10. The lovers believe the life started on 8th will be happy and long as the number 8 is associated with infinity.
4. Laundry machines and refrigerators of the Italian brand Candy will be made in Uzbekistan.
5. In last Summer Olympic games in Athens, Uzbekistan participated with less number of sportsmen than that of Kazakhstan, but took 34th position in country ranking - 6 positions higher than Kazakhstan. In Beijing Olympiad Kazakhstan is participating with 132 sportsmen in 22 types of sports and Uzbekistan with 58. But there is no hope in several types of sports such as handball, volleyball, canoe, table tennis, etc.
6. The Institute of Language and Literature of Uzbekistan is working on preparing electronic version of 5-volume "Explanatory dictionary of Uzbek language" containing 80,000 words. Also, soon it is planned to create "Spelling dictionary of Uzbek language" containing 95,000 words.
7. This year 345,733 candidates took entrance exam throughout Uzbekistan and 69,105 of them will be accepted, which exceeds the last year's number by 5,265.
8. The Ministry of Education reported that this year it will be created 34 news paths of education, in particular, in engineering, construction, geology, car making, nanotechnology, biomedengineering, bio-informatics, studying Chinese and Korean, services, etc.
9. The patient suffering with blood cancer bore a healthy child in Uzbekistan.
Properties of numbers:
1: 1) God's characteristics. 2) The Sun's main component hydrogen's atom has a single electron; 3) The Earth has a single natural satellite the Moon...
2: 1) The natural tangible and intangible objects have been created in couples (male and female; good and bad; light and darkness; etc). 2) atom's first orbit has upto 2 electrons. 3) the least prime number. 4) the computer operates in binary system (0 and 1). 5) human body contains 2 nervous systems (main and peripheral); 6) chemical elements' atom consists of two parts ("+" charged nucleus and "-" charged electrons); 7) 99% of the air consists of 2 main gases - nitogen (78.08%) and oxygen (20.95%); 8) 2 sacred books in Islam: Quran and Hadith; 9) 2 political views: liberal and conservative; 10) virtue and evil (in Zaroastrizm - ahuramazda and ahriman; in Tao - yin and yang); 11) light and darkness; 12) 2 kinds of energy: potential and kinetic; 13) 2 kinds of current: direct and alternate; 14) atom's nucleus holds 2 bodies: proton and neutron; 15) 2 kinds of memory: short and long; 16) 2 kinds of plant roots: o'q and popuk; 17) 2 sides of a coin; 18) suv 2 xil bo'lishi (sho'r va chuchuk); 19) Yer sharining 2 qutbi; 20) 2 xil so'zlashuv tili bor (aglyutinativ, flektiv); 21) tabiatda jismlar 2 xil bo'ladi (organik va noorganik); 22) Quyoshning vodoroddan keyingi asosiy elementi geliy atomi 2ta elektrondan iborat; 23) Mamlakatning 2 asosiy partiyasi (Amerikada respublikachi va demokratlar; Angliyada liberallar va konservativlar, va hokazo)...
World history of XX century:
1899-1902 Anglo-Bor War (South Africa)
1901 Avstralia koloniyalari mustaqil Avstralia Hamdo'stligini tuzish uchun federatsiya tashkil qiladi; Qirolicha Viktoriya vafot etadi
1901-05 Frantsiyada Cherkov bilan Hukumatni ajralishi
1902 Germaniya, Avstriya va Italiya o'rtasida uch tomonlama ittifoqning keyingi 6 yil uchun yangilanishi
1903 Panama mustaqil bo'lishi
1903-1921 Rossiyada pogrom (qatag'on)
1904 Frantsiya G'arbiy Afrika Federatsiyasi uchun konstitutsiyani e'lon qilishi; Anglo-Frantsuz ishonchnoma imzolanishi
1904-5 Manjuriya uchun Rus-Yapon urushi va Rossiyani mag'lubiyati
1905 Birinchi Morokko inqirozi; Norvegiya-Shvetsiya ittifoqi tugatilishi; Teodor Ruzvelt AQSh prezidenti bo'lishi
1905-6 Rossiyada inqilob
1907 Yangi Zelandiya Britaniya imperiyasida yangi mustamlaka
1908 Avstriya Bosniya va Gertzegovinani bosib olishi
1910 Portugal revolyutsiyasi; Yaponiya Koreyani bosib olishi
1911 Ikkinchi Morokko inqirozi; Uinston Cherchil Suv qo'shini birinchi Lordi etib tayinlandi
1911-12 Turk va Italyanlar o'rtasida Tripolitan urushi
Verbs in Uzbek language:
1. adash - confuse;
2. ayt - say, tell;
3. alda - deceive;
4. art - wipe;
5. axtar - look for, search;
6. avayla - save, protect, defend, take care;
7. ag'dar - turn over;
8. achit - salt, burn;
9. achomla - hug, embrace;
10. asqot - come in handy/useful, be of use;
11. ajra - get rid of, be deprived of;
12. ata - name, entitle;
13. aylan - turn around, go around;
14. ayir - subtract;
15. aya - have mercy, pity;
16. azobla - torture, torment;
17. allala - lull;
18. alda - deceive ;
19. anqay - stare foolish;
20. andavala;
21. ardoqla;
22. amalla;
23. ari;
24. arch;
25. asra;
26. aosuslan;
27. achi;
28. achin;
29. ag'na;
30. baqir;
31. beja;
32. ber...
About the novel "Mystery" of Otauli:
In Otauli's work "Mystery", the lives of three brothers are vividly depicted. The author describes the eldest brother Sobir the farmer as a calm, serious, patient, industrious person, the middle brother Qodir the dexterous as a skillful, quickwitted, capable, tricky, energetic person, and the youngest brother Botir the scholar as an intelligent, thinker, taking scientific approach to matters, aware of history and culture, honest, active person. Agar asarning muqaddimasida keltirilgan turli xil uchliklarni hisobga olsak, mening fikrimcha bir qancha o'xshatishlar qilsa bo'ladi.
Masalan, tarixdan ma'lum, butun jahonni suv bosganida Nuh payg'ambar va uch o'g'li Xom, Som va Yofas va turli xil jonivorlar kemada jon saqlab qoladi. Hozirda yashayotgan barcha odamlar shu uch aka-ukadan ko'payishgan bo'lib, ularning xarakterlari "Tilsim" dostonidagi uch aka-ukaning xarakterlariga o'xshaydi. Shunda xoynahoy kema yerga qo'nim topganida, to'ng'ich aka eng katta hayvon - filni minib janub, hozirgi Hindiston tarafga, o'rtancha o'g'il keyingi katta hayvon - tuyaga minib g'arbga, hozirgi Arabiston tomonga va kenja o'g'il otga minib, shimolga, hozirgi O'rta Osiyoga qarab ravona bo'lishadi. Tarixdan ma'lumki Xomning to'ng'ich o'g'li Hind bo'lgan va undan barcha hindlar tarqagan, Somning to'ng'ich o'g'li Arab va yana bir o'g'li Yahudiy bo'lgan va ulardan barcha arab va yahudiy xalqlar tarqalgan va nihoyat Yofasning to'ng'ich o'g'li Turk va boshqa o'g'li Rus bo'lgan va ulardan turkiy va slavyan xalqlari tarqalgan. Nuh payg'ambarning kenja o'g'li Yofas minib chiqqan ot tez harakatlanishi tufayli Yofas avlodlari butun Yevroosiyo va Amerika qit'alariga tez tarqalishgan. Xom, Som va Yofas avlodlarining xarakterlari ham Sobir, Qodir va Botir xarakterlariga muvofiq keladi. Masalan, Xom avlodi hindlar sabr-bardoshli, mehnatkash, o'zidan ko'payishib, bir vatanda qo'nim topib, o'z an'analariga sodiq qolib kelishmoqda. Som avlodlari arablar va yahudiylar juda uddaburro, ishni ko'zini biladigan, tadbirkor, sho'x, kezi kelganda aka yoki uka avlodini o'z izmiga soladigan, kezi kelganda janjal chiqaradib, o'yindan o't chiqarishi mumkin. Yofas avlodlari turklar va slavyanlar ziyoli, aka avlodlarini kuzatib o'ziga to'g'ri xulosa chiqaradigan, kezi kelganda aka avlodlarini murosaga keltiradigan, ilmga berilgan bo'ladi.